Sustainable Tourism

Side Hotel

Sustainable Tourism

In our company, we prioritize protecting the environment, preventing pollution, and minimizing our negative impacts on the environment. To achieve this:
• We comply with legal regulations and strive to reduce our environmental impact.

• We take care to effectively segregate our waste according to its source, type, and hazard class.

• We understand that using hazardous materials and chemicals only when necessary and in the required amounts reduces both their negative environmental impact and the amount of waste generated.

• We contribute to nature conservation by choosing materials with "recycling" and "environmentally friendly" labels in our procurement processes. We seek opportunities for reuse.

• We use single-use materials such as paper, napkins, toilet paper, and packaging sparingly to minimize waste left in nature.

• We store waste correctly and separately according to its characteristics, and hand it over to licensed/authorized companies within the legal storage time limits, keeping records of these processes.

• We strive to use water, energy, and all natural resources efficiently. We share our sensitivity with our employees, guests, and suppliers.

• We measure our performance in environmental management, monitor these data against targets, and work to improve our performance.

• We aim to educate our employees on environmental issues and increase their awareness.

Children are entrusted to us as the future. It is our primary responsibility to recognize them as individuals, respect their rights, and protect them from all forms of psychological, physical, commercial, etc. exploitation.
To ensure this:
• We do not permit child labor in our institutions and expect the same sensitivity from all our business partners.
• We provide environments/opportunities within the organization that contribute to the development of children, allowing them to express their thoughts, desires, and feelings freely and comfortably.
• We train our employees on the prevention and recognition of child abuse.
• We ensure that children participating in activities are supervised by adults.
• We organize trainings and support relevant projects to raise awareness about the protection of children's rights.
• If we witness any suspicious actions involving children, we first inform hotel management and seek assistance from official institutions if necessary.


To protect our planet from potential dangers, we use our energy efficiently and set goals to reduce our energy consumption. To achieve this:

• We adhere to national and international standards, laws, and regulations to fulfill our responsibilities towards nature and our legal obligations. We voluntarily undertake efforts to reduce energy consumption and/or continuously improve our energy consumption performance, and we monitor the results of our initiatives.• We set targets and include energy efficiency in our training programs to engage our employees.• We prioritize collaboration with all our stakeholders to create common goals and outcomes in energy management. We strive to maintain interaction with our guests, employees, visitors, and all business partners to achieve a comprehensive level of awareness and consciousness in these matters. • We actively research, procure, and use energy-efficient products, equipment, and technological alternatives. • We aim to document our Energy Management System, disseminate it across all departments, update it when necessary, review it, and continuously improve it. • We evaluate potential energy risks or emergencies such as energy constraints and plan the necessary precautions.


We prioritize gender equality in our company. • We ensure the health, safety, and well-being of all our employees regardless of gender.

• We support the participation of women in the workforce across all our departments and offer equal opportunities.

• We adhere to the "equal pay for equal work" policy without gender discrimination. • We allocate tasks based on the principle of equality.

• We create an environment that provides equal access to career opportunities.

• We develop training policies that support women's participation and raise awareness.

• We establish a working environment and practices that maintain a work-life balance.

• We support and offer equal opportunities for women to be involved in company management. • We do not tolerate any form of exploitation, harassment, discrimination, suppression, coercion, slander, etc., against women. We always recognize and support the value they bring to the world and our organization.


In line with the sustainable supply approach, our suppliers/solution partners;

• Having Quality Assurance Management Systems, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, internationally accepted environmental and sustainability ethics/certificates,

• It has no harmful effects on the environment in production and supply and complies with environmental legislation,

Sources; It uses/consumes appropriately, without harming natural life or the ecosystem, and complies with hunting bans,

• It works to minimize and manage its wastes correctly, and offers less packaging or bulk packaging alternatives in its product packaging,

• Environmentally friendly, economical, local, attaches importance to ethical values, uses recyclable or recycled materials, organic, bio, vegan, not tested on animals, does not contain harmful chemical components, etc. to offer alternatives, 

• Being a domestic and local production/service provider, 

• It is a product/service that reflects/promotes the cuisine, traditions and culture of our country/region,

We attach importance to this and convey this perspective to our stakeholder suppliers. We try to create efficient purchasing opportunities with our suppliers and aim to reduce the environmental impacts arising from supply processes.

Side Hotel